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Benchmarking Evaluation Methodologies for Existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings

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گزارش ارزشمندی که به تازگی توسط NIST منتشر شده و محققان بزرگی در تالیف آن تقش داشتند در زمینه ارزیابی ساختمانهای بتن آرمه

از مدلها و ساختمانهای این گزارش میتوان در کارهای پژوهشی بتنی در پایان‌نامه‌ها و مقالات استفاده کرد . همانطور که از ساختمانهای فولادی SAC تا الان استفاده میکردیم ...

ATC is proud to announce the publication of
NIST GCR 22-917-50 report that summarizes the findings of the ATC-134 project series, funded by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
In this project, analytical models for eight reinforced concrete structures were created following provisions in ASCE/SEI 41 17, Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit of Existing Buildings, using a variety of software tools and subjected to an excitation equivalent to that recorded at the site or located as close as possible. Analytical results were compared to observed performance of the structure through component and global response and damage, in order to benchmark the performance of computer simulation models to the performance of reinforced concrete buildings subjected to earthquake shaking.
The eight study buildings include three experimental structures tested on shake tables and five buildings ranging in height from three- to seven-stories with damage documented in photographs, observations, and where available, accelerometer records. Each of the five buildings was subjected to a different earthquake (1979 Imperial County, 1994 Northridge, 2010-2011 Canterbury Sequence in New Zealand, 2016 Meinong in Taiwan, and 2017 Puebla in Mexico).
For selected structures, collapse sensitivity of models was also evaluated through incremental dynamic analysis resulting in a set of fragility functions that define the probability of collapse and probability of exceeding acceptance criteria. The results of this project show that ASCE 41 generally does an acceptable job at capturing the expected response and identifying the location of critical components for reinforced concrete structures subjected to strong ground motions. The findings are used to develop recommendations for consideration by the ASCE/SEI Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Buildings Standards and ACI 369 Seismic Repair and Rehabilitation Committees in future editions of the standards.


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