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Nonlinear dynamic analysis of chimney-like towers

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M.R. Tabeshpour*
Faculty of Engineering, Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem University, Sabzevar, Iran
Received: 5 September 2010, Accepted: 5 July 2011
Evaluation of seismic vulnerability of very flexible structures such as high-rise petrochemical
and refinery stacks (chimney) and power plant chimneys is a challenging problem
in earthquake engineering. Their equipments and structures are often considered as vital
facilities and thus they must be fully functional after even very strong ground motions. From
other point of view, numerical modeling of such mega-structures with numerous elements
may not allow to consider all details of mechanical characteristics of consisting materials,
particularly nonlinear performance of elements during large deformations. Therefore, a
simplified model corresponding to dynamic characteristics of whole structure is
substantially needed to investigate seismic performance and failure modes of these essential
structures subjected to strong ground motions. The procedure for developing a 2-D
simplified nonlinear model based on moment-curvature in some plane-sections of a 3-D
sophisticated model but linear system having almost identical dynamic properties is
discussed. If micro elements be used for structural modeling of the chimney like structures,
static nonlinear analysis or dynamic linear analysis will be economically suitable for
assessment investigation. But of the most important problems in earthquake behavior of the
structures is hysteretic behavior of material and section properties. The significance of this
study, if any, is mainly concentrated on model simplification that provides sufficient
accuracy based on a nonlinear discrete model. Tous power-plant chimney is investigated
numerically as an example.
Keywords: High-rise structures; seismic vulnerability; damage index; nonlinear model


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