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Framework for Continuous Assessment and Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Issues in Construction Companies

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Framework for Continuous Assessment and Improvement of Occupational Health and Safety Issues in Construction Companies
Shahram Mahmoudi 1, Fakhradin Ghasemi 2, Iraj Mohammadfam 2,*, Esmaeil Soleimani 2
1 Department Systems and Quality, MAPNA Group, Tehran, Iran
2 Department of Industrial Hygiene, School of Public Health, Hamadan Medical Science University, Hamadan, Iran
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 17 February 2014
Received in revised form
19 May 2014
Accepted 29 May 2014
Available online 17 June 2014
continuous improvement
a b s t r a c t
Background: Construction industry is among the most hazardous industries, and needs a comprehensive
and simple-to-administer tool to continuously assess and promote its health and safety performance.
Methods: Through the study of various standard systems (mainly Health, Safety, and Environment
Management System; Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 180001; and British Standard,
occupational health and safety management systems-Guide 8800), seven main elements were determined
for the desired framework, and then, by reviewing literature, factors affecting these main elements
were determined. The relative importance of each element and its related factors was calculated at
organizational and project levels. The provided framework was then implemented in three construction
companies, and results were compared together.
Results: The results of the study show that the relative importance of the main elements and their
related factors differ between organizational and project levels: leadership and commitment are the
most important elements at the organization level, whereas risk assessment and management are most
important at the project level.
Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that the framework is easy to administer, and by interpreting
the results, the main factors leading to the present condition of companies can be determined.

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