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Activity based risk assessment and safety cost estimation for residential building construction projects

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Activity based risk assessment and safety cost estimation for residential building construction projects
G. Emre Gurcanli, Senem Bilir ⇑, Merve Sevim
Technical University of Istanbul, Department of Civil Engineering, Division of Construction Management, Ayazaga Campus, Maslak, 34469 Istanbul, Turkey
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 6 February 2015
Received in revised form 19 June 2015
Accepted 1 July 2015
Available online 16 July 2015
Risk assessment
Safety cost
Construction industry
Logarithmic regression
a b s t r a c t
Fatal construction accidents are major problem in Turkish construction industry. Although new comprehensive
legislation has been inured recently; level of consciousness in the industry is unsatisfactory and
safety is perceived as an extra cost. Small or middle scaled residential projects have a big share in the
industry and majority of the fatal accidents usually occur on such work sites. Focus of this study is small
and middle-scaled residential construction sites. Drawings, technical specifications, bill of quantities of
25 concrete residential buildings with total areas that vary between 230 and 118,200 m2 in Istanbul were
examined. Site visits and information gathering were performed from site engineers. This study aims to
give an approach for safety cost estimation for the early stages of construction bidding phase using risk
assessment activities and construction project scheduling by focusing on construction activities.
Additionally, a cost analysis was performed and the results were compared and analyzed with a former
project that focused on 30 concrete residential projects in Istanbul. Primavera P6 was utilized for
scheduling, and risk assessment was conducted using the techniques applicable for construction projects
(i.e., L matrix and Fine-Kinney). Finally, activity-based techniques were used for cost estimation. The
results of this study reveal that the percentage of safety cost to the total construction cost is 1.92%.
Also, to comply with the current legislation and minimize risks; 0.85 USD per man-hour should be spent
according to 2013 rates and safety cost per unit area was found as approximately 5.68 USD.

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