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Strengthening Demand of Columns in A RCC Structure Due To Construction of An Additional Storey

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Strengthening Demand of Columns in A RCC Structure Due To Construction of An Additional Storey

Mohd Irfan, D r . Abhay Sharma, Dr. Vivek G arg
PG Scholar, Associate Professor Assistant Profe ssor
Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering Department Civil Engineering Department
NIT Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. NIT Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India NIT Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India


.Abstract - Generally the people construct the structure to
fulfill their current needs but with the passage of time they
realize that their demands have increased and there is a need
for the addition/alteration of the current structure. This
demand can be fulfilled by constructing a new storey.
However, provision for additional load due to the new
construction over existing structure was not made in the
structural design of the old structure. Therefore, the
construction of new storey requires the strengthening of the
old structure. The present study investigates the structural
behaviour of an RC frame under the additional load in the
form of a new storey. The analysis of existing structure (two
storey) and proposed structure (one additional storey
constructed over existing two storey structure) is performed
by using structural analysis software i.e. STAAD Pro. The
analysis results of existing and proposed structure are
compared to evaluate the increase in structural forces due to
the construction of a new storey. The results indicates that the
significant increase is found in the axial force and bending
moment in columns. The weak and deficient columns are
identified and strengthened for the additional loads and
additional moments. The strengthening of columns is done by
jacketing of the columns using four steel angles at corners,
confined with the help of batten plates placed at equal spacing
along the length of the column.
Keywords- Concrete; Steel; Jacketing; Strengthening.

منبع : کانال تلگرام بهسازی و مقاوم سازی سازه ها

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