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Safety risk assessment using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) during planning and budgeting of construction projects

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Safety risk assessment using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) during planning and budgeting of construction projects
Saman Aminbakhsh, Murat Gunduz ⁎, Rifat Sonmez
Department of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 06800 Ankara, Turkey
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 5 October 2012
Received in revised form 1 May 2013
Accepted 22 May 2013
Available online 6 June 2013
Occupational health and safety
Analytic hierarchy process
Risk assessment
Introduction: The inherent and unique risks on construction projects quite often present key challenges to
contractors. Health and safety risks are among the most significant risks in construction projects since the
construction industry is characterized by a relatively high injury and death rate compared to other industries.
In construction project management, safety risk assessment is an important step toward identifying potential
hazards and evaluating the risks associated with the hazards. Adequate prioritization of safety risks during
risk assessment is crucial for planning, budgeting, and management of safety related risks. Method: In this
paper, a safety risk assessment framework is presented based on the theory of cost of safety (COS) model
and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The main contribution of the proposed framework is that it
presents a robust method for prioritization of safety risks in construction projects to create a rational budget
and to set realistic goals without compromising safety. The impact to the industry: The framework provides a
decision tool for the decision makers to determine the adequate accident/injury prevention investments
while considering the funding limits. The proposed safety risk framework is illustrated using a real-life construction
project and the advantages and limitations of the framework are discussed.

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