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Experimental System Identification of a 63kV Substation Post Insulator and Developing its Fragility

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Experimental System Identification of a 63kV Substation Post Insulator and Developing its Fragility Curves by Dynamic Finite Element Analysis


Mahmood Hosseini1 and Saman Mohammadpour2

1 Associate Professor at Structural Engineering Research Center, International Institute of

Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran, Iran

2 Research Assistant in Structural Engineering Research Center, International Institute of

Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), Tehran, Iran


To have successful ‘emergency management’ in a community it is necessary to have very

powerful management in normal conditions which is ready to face emergencies. To achieve this

goal a thorough understanding of the existing potentials and know-hows is crucial, because at the

time of crisis this data can be used to make the best possible decisions. Due to damage to electric

substations in past earthquakes and the necessity to maintain their performance during and after

the earthquake has made the investigation on substations’ vulnerability an essential issue. So at

the beginning of this paper, a brief review of the damage to the high-voltage electricity

substation insulators during previous earthquakes will be presented. As the seismic behavior of

the different components of the electric substations have not been fully investigated so far, in the

second part by using the results of the experiments conducted in the laboratory of the

“International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering” detailed modeling of 63 KV

insulator in finite element software is done in four separate parts and the segments are assembled

in a situation quite similar to the actual conditions. The records of 69 earthquakes in 13 separate

PGA categories were then entered in the model and the maximum stress created in the elements

was obtained. Then, normal distribution curves were plotted for each of the PGA categories and

the corresponding maximum stresses by using statistical relationships. The failure probability of

each category will be achieved based on the failure criterion. Finally, the proper fragility curve

will be plotted on the obtained failure probabilities. By the development of fragility curves for

equipment in electricity industry, applicable results will be gained for this industry.

Keywords: lifelines, high- voltage electricity substations, current transformer, ABAQUS,

fragility curves


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