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Prioritizing the Sustainable Development Components and its Role in the improvement of Urban Effete Fabrics with group Analytical Hierarchy Process (A

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Prioritizing the Sustainable Development Components and its Role in the improvement of Urban Effete Fabrics with group Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP): A Central Part of Isfahan City Case Study

Original Article, B16
Rashidi Ebrahim Hesari A, Mousavi SCh, Bahmand D,             Samadi R.
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban.
2(3): 86-91. 2012.

ABSTRACT: Effete fabrics are the confines of urban realms that are in the city structures in dealing with some negative features. These neighborhoods are suffering from the kinds of shortages and problems such as exterior and physical exhaustions, poor urban infrastructures and services, social felonies and cultural problems and the types of economic problems. Despite all the weaknesses and shortcomings, these fabrics are part of the cities and there are many residents living in. It seems that given the scope and severity of the problems that beset these contexts, the most comprehensive approach adopted for dealing with shortcomings and deficiencies in effete fabrics is a participatory approach with sustainable purposes and development. Isfahan is considered the biggest historical town in Iran that an extensive part of its old context is affected with effeteness. This study aims to identify and ranking the sustainable development components influencing on the economic, social and physical improvements and the condition of access to improve and revive the effete fabrics of Isfahan city using hierarchical analysis method (AHP) and also using  Expert Choice software. Although an effete context is an unavoidable result in city environment, these problems can be reduced or resolved with efficient policy. Having been analyzed and ranked the factors using collected comments and Expert Choice, the obtained results indicate that economic factors with 0.131 weights have the most effect on the improvement of effete city fabrics and social factors with 0.208 weights and environmental factors with 0.131 weights are the next priorities.
Keywords: Effete context, Sustainable development, Group Analytical Hierarchy Process, Isfahan city


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