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Green Roof, a Pattern of Traditional Roofs' Architecture in Mazandaran

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Green Roof, a Pattern of Traditional Roofs' Architecture in Mazandaran

Original Article, D3
Valinejad Shoubi M. and Tizghalam Zonouzi S
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(1): 14-18. 2014

ABSTRACT:Building roof as an element in the building which has the maximum contact with abnormal environmental factors (wind, rain, sun and atmospheric pollutants) has always been addressed and emerged in different forms in different climates. Mazandaran is the name of a region located at the north of Iran with a mild and humid weather with high raining. The natives of this region like different regions of the word have achieved the most optimal form proportional to the climate over time, which has devoted a great portion of identity indication of this region to itself. People of this region where a mild and humid weather has, have used natural forage as a pattern in their roofs which is applied as green roof today. This green roof pattern in Mazandaran has been converted into green earthen roofs during its evolutionary steps. Green roof can be known as the result of a positive environmental, ecological procedure which attempts to balance the surrounding environment to decrease the load of abnormal environmental factors. The obvious and hidden positive effects which the green roofs in this region possess, have changed it into a unified factor in all buildings of Mazandaran. The main issue of the paper is written regarding to the survey researches, the study and recognition of different kinds of steep roofs in Mazandaran and its evolutionary direction and the effects which it has on the buildings of this region. The hypothesis of this paper is that there are equal semantic definitions in some components of building in mild and humid regions of the word but the method of facing with these components is different according to the culture of each region. Green roof in Mazandaran region has a different body but the equal meaning as like the other regions of the word.
Keywords:Mazandaran; Green Roof; Culture Pattern; Vernacular Architecture; Sustainable Design


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