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Sustainable Residential Buildings in the Tehran Metropolitan Area

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Sustainable Residential Buildings in the Tehran Metropolitan Area

Original Article, D19
Bairami A, Tabibian M.
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(2): 120-124. 2014

ABSTRACT: Housing is one of the first things that humans have always had to grapple with and always trying to find appropriate and reasonable answers for its issue. Beginning with Twenty-first century, Third World faces several important challenges such as providing proper shelter, employment and environmental sustainability.  In between these, proper shelter is important because the basic needs of the household or individual such as sleep, rest, protection against weather conditions and etc. Appropriate housing is an important goal of the development programs. One of the Indicators for assessing the utility of housing is materials and structures used in residential buildings. This research tries to examine strength of the residential buildings in the cities of Tehran metropolitan area in the past three censuses in 1986, 1996 and 2006. Metropolitan area of Tehran has 20 urban centers in 1986, in 1996 this area had 27 urban centers and in 2006 this area had 53 urban centers. Result show Tehran city has the highest percentage of sustainable residential buildings in the urban centers of Tehran metropolitan area for each census. The mean for percent of sustainable residential buildings in Tehran metropolitan area has been upward all time; this amount achieved 66.80 percent in 2006 from 3.70 percent in 1986. It means substantial growth. Standard deviation is used for measurement of distribution for sustainable residential buildings in urban centers of metropolitan area. Result shows, standard deviation for residential units has been upward from 1986 to 1996 and have been decline from 1996 to 2006. This means increasing development gap in the field of sustainable construction in the urban centers of Tehran metropolitan area during the years 1986 to 2006 and the peak is year 1996.
Key words: Metropolitan Area, Sustainability, Residential Buildings, Building Strength, Assess the Degree of Development.


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