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Revising Iranian Experience in Establishing Pedestrian Zones; Surveying Strengths and Weaknesses of

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Revising Iranian Experience in Establishing Pedestrian Zones; Surveying Strengths and Weaknesses of Pedestrian Zones in Tehran


Original Article, D25
Fallah Manshadi E., Rouhi A. and Khodaverdi Nelkhasi Om-S.

Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(2): 156-163. 2014

ABSTRACT: Though the experience of pedestrian establishing in the world backs to 70 years ago, this is a new approach in Iran. In recent years, establishing pedestrian zone is getting more popular due to paradigm shift in urban governance from motorized to human based development. Pedestrian zones like 17 Shahrivar (Shohada), 15 khordad, Sepah-Salar, Soore-Esrafil, Babe-Homayoon, Naser Khosro, Marvi, Saboonian, Ehsani, Shah-Abdol- Azim, and Baradarane- Mozaffar are the results of such paradagim shift. Present paper tries to evaluate these pedestrian zones in order to determine the strengths and weeknesses of each one. Direct observations and interviews were used as research tools. The results of evaluation and comparative comparison show that from 11 pedestrian zones in Tehran, Sepahsalar, 15 khordad and Shah-Abol-Azim have the best conditions while Baradarane Mozafar and 17 Shahrivar have inappropriate situation. Although pedestrian zones in Tehran are almost in appropriate level from pedestrian facilities point of view like pavement and lightening; some factors such as lack of mixed land use, motorcycles and cars penetrating the pedestrian zones, lack of public toilets and disabled facilities, ignorance of public participation have negative effects on citizen satisfaction.
Pedestrian Zone, Evaluation, Comparative Comparison, Tehran


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