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Nature up High Apartment (Green Roof)

Original Article, D51
MehdiNezhad M.R., AmirKolaee E., Nikbakht H.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(3): 333-339. 2014

ABSTRACT: Nowadays cities benefit from two geographical (natural, social, and economical environments) and artificial (man-made environment, and architecture) symbols. Mankind has always been trying to change these two symbols for the sake of his daily activities or earning his life and establishing a dwelling both as an interest and as a shelter. During this process green areas, jungles, and gardens have been changed into skyscrapers and buildings. Bricks, cement, and metallic plates have replaced for attractive views of nature. Today’s citizens have a sad feeling while they see that they have fallen far from the beauties and quietness of nature. To solve this problem, industrialists have developed the green roof technology. Urban planners and architects use it as a ‘back to nature’ process. Green roof is a method to convert the rough, dry, and cold parts of the city into green spots. Besides green roofs can create micro-climatic zones which reduce pollution and improve the living conditions of the citizens. Green roof is the subject whose Iranians were acquainted with it since long to now but necessity of it doesn’t consider by responsible comparatively. Clarification and expanding of this issue has been explained in this paper. In addition, using some of benefits and condition of performance of the layers of green roof, it has been tried to utilize the green roof in the future more as much as its popularity in that past. To be considering of the architecture in making a city, this necessity gets more highlight if green roof systems get installed on the roofs of the buildings of a city, it will be important effect in all architecture sides of that city and it too high extent decreases architecture limitations. This process is highly advantageous for cities like Tehran which is located in a 730 sq. km of land delimited by mountains and deserts. 67.9 percent of the city is occupied by buildings and about thirteen million people live in this city. Green roofs are good means for reducing these problems of Tehran.
Keywords: Green Roof, Roof Garden, Drain, Artificial Filter, Damp-Proof Coarse


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