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Experimental and numerical study of unstiffened steel plate shear wall structures
Meng Wang a,⁎, Yongjiu Shi b, Jian Xu c,Weiguo Yang a, Yixin Li b
a School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
b Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
c China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute Corp. LTD, Chengdu 610081, China
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 13 March 2015
Accepted 6 May 2015
Available online 20 June 2015
Unstiffened thin steel plate shear wall structure
Hysteretic behavior
Energy dissipation capacity
Finite element method (FEM)
Column stiffness
In order to investigate the seismic behaviors of unstiffened thin steel plate shear wall structure, tests of four
three-story unstiffened steel plate shear wall specimens under cyclic loads were carried out. Parameters of the
specimens included height-to-thickness ratio, span-to-height ratio and middle brace. The carrying capacity, hysteretic
behavior, degraded characteristics, ductility, failuremodes, energy dissipation capacity were analyzed and
compared deeply. Besides, the nonlinear finite element method of shear wall structure was also established,
which was verified by test results. Finally, the effect of column stiffness on load-carrying capacity was studied.
The practical requirements of in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness of edge column were suggested. The experimental
and numerical results showed that: this kind structure exhibits high strength, good energy dissipation capacity,
and good ductility (the ductility coefficients are more than 3.0). When the inter-story drift angle reaches
1/50, the strength degradation is no more than 5%, indicating that the structure has good seismic behaviors. The
span-to-height ratio has little effect on load-carrying capacity, while slightly affects the initial stiffness and ductility.
The effect of height-to-thickness ratio (thickness) on load-carrying capacity is relatively larger than other
factors. The middle braces do not improve the behaviors of structures. The stiffness of edge column has great effect
on lateral load-carrying capacity of shearwall structures. The value of column stiffness index could bewithin
2.0–2.5 to achieve the sufficient constraints and economical benefit.

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