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Study on Seismic Performance of a Stiffened Steel Plate Shear Wall with Slits

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Study on Seismic Performance of a Stiffened Steel Plate Shear Wall with Slits

Jin-yu Lu,1,2 Lu-nan Yan,1,2 Yi Tang,1,2 and Heng-huaWang1,2
1Key Lab of Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Structures of Ministry of Education, Nanjing 210096, China
2School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Jin-yu Lu; davidjingyu@gmail.com
Received 8 June 2015; Revised 4 August 2015; Accepted 16 August 2015
Academic Editor: Giorgio Dalpiaz
Copyright © 2015 Jin-yu Lu et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
To determine the force mechanism for the steel plate shear wall with slits, the pushover analysis method was used in this study.
An estimated equation for the lateral bearing capacity which considered the effect of edge stiffener was proposed. A simplified
elastic-plastic analytical model for the stiffened steel slit wall composed of beam elements was presented, where the effects of edge
stiffeners were taken into account. The wall-frame analysis model was established, and the geometric parameters were defined.
Pushover analysis of two specimens was carried out, and the analysis was validated by comparing the results from the experiment,
the shell element model, and a simplified model.The simplified model provided a good prediction of the lateral stiffness and the
strength of the steel slit wall, with less than 10%error compared with the experimental results.Themutual effects of the bearing wall
and the frame were also predicted correctly. In the end, the seismic performance evaluation of a steel slit wall-frame structure was
presented. The results showed that the steel slit wall could prevent the beams and columns from being damaged by an earthquake
and that the steel slit wall was an efficient energy dissipation component.


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