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Evaluating the Physical Functional Indicators Affecting Women’s Safety in Urban Spaces (Case study:

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Evaluating the Physical Functional Indicators Affecting Women’s Safety in Urban Spaces (Case study: Shahin Area 5th Region, Tehran)


Original Article, D70
Mohseninia Z.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(4): 467-473. 2014

ABSTRACT: Safety of urban spaces has an important role in improving society welfare in all citizens, but among the urban population, some special groups like women, old people, kids and people who has disabilities are living that their safety needs remarkable attention, for example, women for their active participation in society, need to have a city in which they feel safe. Therefore, the main objective of this research is evaluating the effective physical functional indicators on improvement of women’s safety feeling and as a result, their active participation in city. In this study, after general statements and theoretical foundations related to women’s safety in urban spaces, the effective physical functional indicators extracts by research’s literature review and it will measure by the women’s participation in form of a questioner. The main hypothesis in this research is: “it seems there is a direct relation between the level of, cohesion and verity of usage and urban activities in public spaces with the increase of level of women’s safety “which is evaluated by descriptive method and Spearman correlation coefficient. For field study, the region of Shahin in 5th area of Tehran has been chosen. Finally after recognition of this space and statistical analysis derived from questioners, the main hypothesis of research is confirmed and required strategies to improving the women’s safety in urban public spaces are expressed. The results of current study, show that, the appropriate physical situation of urban public spaces has remarkable role in amount of women’s tend to quartering in this spaces and as a result, their level of safety plays and important role. On the other hand, evaluation of experimental perceive model indicate that with the increase of legibility and space familiarity, promotion of famousness or Infamousness of spaces, monitoring spaces and access  to rescue promotion of night life in space and applicability of public transportation the amount of perceived safety feeling from space will increase as well.
Keywords: Safety, Urban Spaces, Women


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