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Study of Intelligent Architecture Techniques along Energy Consumption Optimization with Solar Energ

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Study of Intelligent Architecture Techniques along Energy Consumption Optimization with Solar Energy Approach

Original Article, D84
Nikbakht H., MehdiNezhad M.R.., Allah GholiPour SM
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(5): 554-561. 2014

ABSTRACT: Consciously design of the buildings and human residences especially dwelling, with due attention to energy problem can decrease to considerable extent dependence amount of them to energy consumption side heart and cold of structure. Used energy in building part base of statistics is allocated very high digitals to self which are generally no generator and consumed. By consumption more of 40% of total produced energy in country and cost spending equivalent 30 % of resulted revenue of oil sale, it is allocated the most amount of the energy consumption to self. Building pattern improvement and composing with environmental life views lead to consumed materials quality arising, structure methods, exploitation methods and salvage that moreover negative impacts decrease on life environment, new fields provide for innovation and employment in the building part. Buildings design to kind must perform that side use of energy optimum and fuel in the buildings acted various methods and has optimum use of energy together with. Architecture meantime correspondence to climatic condition and optimum use of energy by creating of reasonable relationship between man, nature and architecture in self-final evolution gives interesting patterns as life space. In this direction, exploitation of intelligent architecture principles can play important role. Intelligent architecture pays to two main principles. Principle 1: Attainment of possibilities maximum and capability by the least energy and materials. Principle 2: Consolidation principle and harmonize all possibilities in design and structure steps. Intelligent architecture acts all self-trying to design used possibilities all side and harmonic together till building acts such as harmonic and consolidated system. Other important problem is that try to man with nature and each other have closer relationship that to this manner, man psychic comfort condition give to very extents.
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Smart Building, Design Purposefully


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