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The Relationship between Urban Sidewalks Design and Psychological Sense of Security.

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The Relationship between Urban Sidewalks Design and Psychological Sense of Security.


Zarghami E., AzhdehFar Sh., Toodeh Fallah S.

J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5(3): 134-143, 2015; pii:S225204301500023-5


One of the basic and important concepts in sustainable development is taking human needs into consideration and meeting them. Security is one of the most basic human needs, which in effect will lead to progress. Urban traffic is one the causes that put a psychological pressure on people and threatens the psychological sense of security. Today the fact that many people don’t use the sidewalks in streets and alleys is a constant psychological pressure both for the pedestrians and for the drivers. Studies show that such constant pressures can lead to serious psychological and mental problems. There are many reasons as to why people avoid using sidewalks for example poor flooring, uneven surfaces, natural and artificial obstacles, the disproportionate width of the sidewalks in comparison to the crossings, failure to take into account the human scale and the importance of viewing angle and the issues of visual perception and so on. In this article this issue is viewed from the pedestrian view and guidelines to solving this problem are researched. To this matter the method of research is combinatorial investigation. The results of the survey showed, that in short distances people over the age of 40 show more interest in a stroll than people under the age of 40. The superficial beauty of sidewalks was evaluated of much importance to both groups. The issue of uneven surfaces was the first priority for the group of over 40 and for the people under the age of 40 the problem that took priority was the width of sidewalks. Taking into consideration the results of both the descriptive and survey research the comfort level of pedestrian pathways were researched and presented.
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Psychological Sense of Security, Psychological Pressure, Sidewalk, Pedestrian Pathway, Human Scale

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