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Risk-based management of occupational safety and health in the construction industry – Part 2: Quantitative model

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Risk-based management of occupational safety and health in the construction industry – Part 2: Quantitative model
Vitor Sousa ⇑, Nuno M. Almeida, Luís A. Dias
Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and GeoResources, Technical University of Lisbon – IST, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 6 February 2014
Received in revised form 1 July 2014
Accepted 2 January 2015
Available online 29 January 2015
Occupational safety and health
Quantitative risk assessment
Construction industry
Monte Carlo Simulation
a b s t r a c t
During the last decades, there has been a growing awareness about occupational safety and health risks
by the various interested parties in the construction industry. However, despite the substantial improvements
achieved, the rate of accidents is still significantly higher than in most of the other industries. Two
major reasons have been used to explain this high rate of accidents in the construction industry: (i) the
intrinsic riskiness due to the nature of the activities and the particular characteristics of constructions
projects and organizations; and (ii) the financial and economic issues regarding the implementation of
additional safety measures in a growing competitive market.
This companion paper is presented in two parts. The present document refers to Part 2 and makes use
of the background knowledge and existing initiatives reviewed in Part 1 to propose and detail the Occupational
Safety and Health Potential Risk Model (OSH-PRM). The proposed model was conceived to assist
in conducting cost-benefit analysis for occupational safety and health risk management. The OSH-PRM
enables an enhanced management of the resources available to improve safety and health conditions
in the various activities and for different groups of workers involved in the execution stage of a construction

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