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Cost Implication of Mitigating the Effect of Clay/Silt Content of Sand on Concrete Compressive Strength

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Cost Implication of Mitigating the Effect of Clay/Silt Content of Sand on Concrete Compressive Strength

Oiginal Article, B25
Olanitori LM.
J. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(4): 143-148. 2012.

ABSTRACT: In Nigeria, reinforced concrete is one of the major building materials been used in the construction of buildings. In the specification of concrete, prescribed mix is normally used. However, tests carried out on different batches of concrete produced, using prescribed mix 1:2:4 of concrete show that the concrete did not acquire the 20N/mm2 expected strength at the age of 28 days. Depending on the type of sand used for the production of the concrete, the acquired strength after 28 days is between 25% and 60% of the expected strength. This reduction in strength will ultimately affect the functionality and durability of structure constructed from such concrete. To mitigate the effect of clay/silt content of sand, the sand can be washed free of clay/silt or the cement is increased in proportion to the percentage content of clay/silt in the sand. Since the mitigation of the clay/silt content of sand on concrete strength comes with extra cost, there is need to determine this cost in other to be able to build effective and safe structures. The author evaluates the cost implication of mitigating this reduction effect of the type of sand used on
concrete strength. The extra cost incurred in the production of 1m3 of concrete (using mix ratio 1:2:4) in terms of washing the sand free of clay/silt is 22.5%, while that of cement increment is between 2.22% and 27.75% depending on the percentage of clay/silt content of sand. Mathematical models, which can be used to estimate the cost implication of this mitigation, are derived.
Keywords:Reinforcement, Concrete, Sand, Silt, Strength


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