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Failure analysis of RC shear walls with staggered openings under seismic loads

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Failure analysis of RC shear walls with staggered openings under seismic loads

تحلیل گسیختگی دیوارهای برشی بتن مسلح با بازشوهای شطرنجی در بارهای لرزه ای

Marius Mosoarca

a b s t r a c t
Reinforced concrete shear walls are used to design buildings located in seismic areas,
because of their rigidity, bearing capacity and high ductility. Until now many theoretical
and experimental tests on shear walls with or without openings have been made, therefore
their failure modes have been analysed and are rather very well-known; the research
results being confirmed by real failure modes of RC walls after earthquakes.
Design codes and standards based on the knowledge of the failure modes of the reinforced
concrete walls were developed in order to obtain the ductile failure mechanisms.
A special case is the failure mode of the reinforced concrete shear walls with vertical
staggered openings. If at coupled walls the elements must be designed so that the plastic
hinges appear at the ends of the coupled beams and then in the pier, this thing is more difficult
at shear walls with staggered openings.
Theoretical and experimental studies on structural walls with staggered openings, lamellar
walls and walls with bulbs at the end have been made recently. There have also been
studied the followings: the degradation of the stiffness, the ductility function to the intensity
of the seismic force, the presence of the vertical forces, the position and the size of the
openings and the reinforcing ways.
The article presents the results of the theoretical and experimental tests on failure modes
of three types of reinforced concrete shear walls with staggered openings which are compared
to those obtained from walls with vertical ordered openings as far as the seismic
response is concerned.
The failure modes of the structural walls under seismic stress have been identified using
calculus programs and cyclic alternated experimental tests.
The theoretical research on the failure modes was the basis for the elaboration of a simplified
methodology for the calculus of the maximum theoretical seismic force that produces
the concrete crushing in the ultimate limit stage. The results theoretically
obtained with the help of the calculus programs have been confirmed experimentally.
The analysis of the failure modes, obtained with the computing methodology proposed,
contributed to the completion of the seismic design codes for shear walls with staggered

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