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Introducing a New Approach for Modelling the Near Field Effects in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard ...

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Introducing a New Approach for Modelling the Near Field Effects in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

Original Article, D90
Mehri Dehno A., Mahdavi Adeli M.
Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 4(6):
592-598. 2014

ABSTRACT: In definitions of seismic hazard analysis, if the site distance from the fault causing earthquake is short, that site will be considered near fault. The recorded results of previous earthquakes have shown that in such site, the structures show very complex and different behaviour from far field area such that it is required to consider near fault seriously and independently. So far, various studies have been carried out to present a method for reliable modelling of near fault behaviour including the present study. In fact, so far, no reliable and definite method has been proposed for modelling of near field effects in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and this study aims to take some steps in this area. The present study proposes a new solution based on combined use of both spectral attenuation relations, i.e. spectral attenuation relations with near field effect and spectral attenuation relations lacking near field effects, for calculation of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. The results of this study indicate the capability of this new idea in modelling of near field effects for reliable estimation of seismic hazard. The results of this study show that the use of attenuation relations of near field, individually, for seismic hazard analysis, increases the spectral acceleration tangibly and unacceptably and is not much reliable. Thus, to overcome this deficiency, one can claim that the best solution for consideration of near field effects is to use the combination of both near and far field attenuation relations according to the proposed model in this study.
Keywords: Earthquake, Fault, Near Fault, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis, Attenuation Relations


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