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  1. به عنوان یک راه حل تقریبی محل مرکز جرم سقف شیبدار را معیار قرار داده و بر اساس ارتفاع محل مرکز جرم نیروی زلزله را در طبقات مختلف از جمله بام توزیع کنید
  2. اگر تکیه گاه دیوارهای شما فقط در محل اتصال به پی است میتوانید مطابق سیستم کنسولی برای آن ضریب رفتار انتخاب نمایید. باید هر دو بار زلزله و باد را بر آن اعمال کنید که احتمالاً باد بر آن حاکم میباشد. فکر میکنم نرم افزارهای ETABS و SAP جوابگوی کار شما باشند
  3. من الان روش استفاده از فایل $ET را امتحان کردم و جواب داد. باید واحد فایلها یکی باشد و البته اسم مصالح هم در دو فایل یکسان تعریف شده باشد در این صورت با کپی قسمتهای زیر در فایل اصلی انتقال به صورت کامل انجام میشود: $ FRAME SECTIONS $ AUTO SELECT SECTION LISTS $ CONCRETE SECTIONS $ SECTION DESIGNER SECTIONS
  4. توجه کنید که صرف کپی کردن متن در فایل $et بدون توجه به محتوای آن ممکن است مشکل ساز شود چون باید مثلاً اسم مصالح اختصاص داده شده در فایل شما با فایل اصلی یکی باشد یا کمی بی دقتی در کپی متن و جا افتادن یک خط از متن باعث اشتباه در ایمپورت میشود
  5. البته این روش را در ورژن 2015 چک نکردم ولی به هر حال ارزش امتحان کردن را دارد. شما فایل $et مدلتان را باز کنید و مدلی که از قبل هم با مقاطع مورد نظر دارید هم باز کنید. قسمت مقاطع را از فایل قبلی کپی کنید و در فایل مورد نظرتان را جایگزین قسمت متناظر کنید و سپس فایلتان را دوباره به نرم افزار ایمپورت کنید
  6. در مورد بار راه پله هم با توجه به اینکه طبق جدول 6-5-1 بار راه پله بیشتر از 500 کیلوگرم بر متر مربع نیست منعی برای کاهش سربار در آن نیست
  7. کاهش سربار زنده بام طبق مبحث ششم ویرایش 92 بر اساس ضوابط بند 6-5-8 امکانپذیر است البته این به معنی این نیست که در نرم افزار بار بام را بار قابل کاهش سربار تعریف نمود. کاهش سربار در بام و پارکینگها و سقف های با بار سنگین با محدودیتهایی که در مبحث ششم ذکر شده تا حدی امکانپذیر است. در بامها اگر سطح بارگیر عضو بیشتر از 18متر مربع باشد کاهش سربار تا نهایت 40 درصد برای بامهای تخت امکانپذیر است برای بامهای شیبدار این درصد بیشتر خواهد بود. بار زنده بام به هر حال نباید کمتر از 60 کیلوگرم بر متر مربع لحاظ گردد. توجه شود که این کاهش مربوط به بار زنده بام است و تبعاً شامل بار برف در بام نخواهد شد
  8. Numerical Investigation of Length and Thickness of Separation Zone after Sudden Change of Direction in Closed Sections Original Article, B6 Sadeghfam.S, Akhtari.A.A. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(1): 35-39. 2012. ABSTRACT: Separation phenomenan which is created in result of the inverse pressure gradient reduces the efficiency of the hydraulic systems. Due to eddy flows, analytical solution is not possible. In this paper, the relationship between the length and the thickness of the separation zone versus velocity variations has been investigated by using Fluent, in closed sudden change of direction in square sections with different divergence angles. First, to verify the accuracy of the numerical model, and some other factors such as turbulent model, the results of numerical model have been compared with experimental results in a sudden expansion at several sections. Based on the results of sudden expansion analysis, the turbulence model k-e (RNG) and steady flow mode are used in analysis of two dimensional bends. The results show that for the sharp curvature with central angle of 45 degrees regardless of flow velocity, separation in internal wall doesn't happen. For the sudden change of direction with a central angle of 45 to 90 degrees, flow separation is the function of divergence angles and flow velocity. In this study, the equations in terms of length and thickness of the separation are collected via abundant numerical analysis. Keywords: Separation, Inverse Pressure Gradient, Sudden Change of Direction, Fluent, Turbulent Model k-e (RNG) منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,B6-35-39.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,B6-35-39.pdf
  9. Flow Visualization in Vortex Chamber Original Article, B5 Chapokpour J., Farhoudi J., Amiri Tokaldany E., Majedi-Asl M. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(1): 26-34. 2012 ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of experimental study that was accomplished in a vortex settling chamber to observe the flow structures. A polar grid of data accusation was designed to trace the velocity characteristics of the flow. An ADV three dimensional velocity measuring equipment was utilized. The experiments were conducted under four different discharges and three dimensional flow velocities were then measured. The different type secondary currents were detected in 2D manner at radial sections of vortex chamber. Additionally, it was tried to show a 3D appearance of velocity components inside the basin. It was found that flow structure of basin is highly dependent on entrance velocity. Two types of clockwise and anticlockwise vortices and some sink points combined with each other were observed in radial sections of chamber where their configurations and role were varied with flow discharge. To understand sediment trapping process in these basins, the streamlines and velocity vectors in the horizontal superimposed sections were drawn and analyzed then for motion of sediment particles the spiral settling path were observed. The 3D analyzing of sediment motion path has exhibited a different outcome from 2D analysis Such that there was not only any especial sediment motion path in the horizontal sections but also it was oriented towards up and down in its spiral circulation. Keywords: Vortex basin, ADV velocity measuring equipment, Velocity distribution, Streamline, Sediment motion path. منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,B5-26-34.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,B5-26-34.pdf
  10. Role of Risk Perception and Other Risk Related Judgement in Road Transportation: Ado-Ekiti as Case Study Original Article, B4 Ata G., Aderinlewo O. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(1): 17-25. 2012 ABSTRACT: The role of risk perception and other risk related judgement of the user of commercial vehicles, bicycle, buses, private cars, tankers and road haulage trucks as means of road transportation in Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria were examined in this paper. In addition, the spatial dimensions of the level of commuter risk awareness in Ado-Ekiti, Nigeria were explored. The respondent’s perceptions/views on each of the risks that could be experienced by vehicle drivers as well as their relative possibilities of causing accidents in each of the locations examined in Ado-Ekiti namely Old Garage, Basiri, Odo-Ado, Ilawe, Ajilosun and Opopogbooro roads have been evaluated. The factors capable of causing road accidents in the six locations considered were identified and assessed through questionnaires. Based on the results, the risk factors appeared to be site specific while ‘tailgating’ seemed to be the most dominant factor responsible for causing road accidents with up to 40% occurring along Opopogboro road. Keywords: Risk perception, spatial dimensions, commuter risk, risk factors, tailgating منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,B4-17-25.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,B4-17-25.pdf
  11. Diffraction of Water Waves with Arrays of Vertical Cylinder Original Article, B3 Shiravani Gh., Sadeghi K. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(1): 10-16. 2012 ABSTRACT: Based on Linton and Evans (1990) analytical solution, the diffraction of linear water waves by N bottom mounted circular cylinders has been investigated. In order to study the first order interaction between cylinders, the boundary condition on each cylinder surface due to the scattered waves of all other cylinders is taken into account and relations for calculation of forces acting on cylinders are derived. This paper is mainly concerned with vertical cylinders located at vertices of a square. For this configuration the phenomenon of near-trapping mode and the wavelength associated with it is considered and for different wave length the force acting on each cylinder is determined. Also the wave surface elevation around cylinders which can be legs of an offshore platform or piles of a floating island is determined and using MATLAB programming the results are plotted in three dimensional form. Keywords: Diffraction of water waves; Trapped modes; Hydrodynamic interaction; Array of vertical cylinders. منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,B3-10-16.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,B3-10-16.pdf
  12. Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbons from Furfural Production Wastes Original Article, B1 Bostancioglu M, Şeref O. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(1): 01-05. 2012. ABSTRACT:This study has been focused on research activated carbons which were prepared from furfural production wastes. The effects of the lower impregnation ratios to chemical structure and surface texture were determined. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and SEM analysis were studied for characterization. The FTIR results showed that there was no important change among the activated carbon samples with different acid impregnation ratios. Micro and mezopore formations were observed at lower impregnation ratios compared with the pyrolyzed char and increasing the impregnation ratio caused to macropore formation on the surface texture at SEM photographs. Keywords: Activated carbon, furfural, chemicalactivation, characterization منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content].,B1-01-05.pdf J. Civil Eng. Urban.,B1-01-05.pdf
  13. Analysis of relative Flows in the Catchments without Gauging Station; Case Study: West of Urmia Lake Basin Original Article, A8 Azhdan, Y., Majedi-Asl, M., Daneshfaraz, R. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 1(1): 53-56. 2011. ABSTRACT: An important factor for designing soil and water projects is the estimation of annual runoff volume at project location, with no precise runoff data. One common method for estimation of the runoff is through meteorological parameters and physical characteristics of the region. The present paper attempts to complete the statistics from partial stations via linear regression and the randomness of the data was tested by the RUNTEST test and its results were satisfactory. Modeling relative annual and monthly runoffs in Iran is an essential task for precise planning of water projects engineering in catchments without hydrologic statistics and data. One important factor to be considered in understanding the catchments' hydrologic behavior is investigation of output currents in different time periods of daily, monthly, and annual scales. Thus, this study attempts to use multivariate linear regression to provide a decent model for estimation of annual runoff for the catchments of the Nazloo-Cahi, Barandooz-Chai, Shahr-Chai and Roze-Chai Rivers in the west of Urmia Lake. Keywords: Watershed, Annual Runoff, Rainfall, Physical Characteristics, Multivariate Regression, Urmia Lake منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content],.pdf JCEU-A8,.pdf
  14. An evaluation of impressionableness structural systems under the condition of foundation and bed resistance Original Article, A7 Zare HR, Dehghani M. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 2(1): 49-52. 2011. ABSTRACT: The analysis of the structures under the influence of the earthquake load is usually done independent of the conditions and the soil variable under them. In other words, the bed of the structure location is supposed to be rigid. In these conditions seismic excitation in the bed of the structure is conducted in the form of a displacement with acceleration with time (or equivalent force). What happens in reality is that the structure is situated on the soil environment as a flexible bed, and from the view point of dimension as semi-infinite and earthquake vibrations from its source reach the foundation of the structure by passing from this environment which results in soil-structure interaction. The flexibility of the structure foundation and the emission of system energy by the waves in the infinite environment of soil (radiation depreciation) are two important results of soil-structure interaction phenomenon. One of the methods of considering the above-mentioned phenomenon in the analysis of the structure-supposing the elastic linear behavior of the soil environment-is by using SSI equivalents by which we have analyzed frame structures and shear wall frame structures under the earthquake load by considering SSI. By extraction of base shear amounts and displacement of the head of the structures under the influence of different earthquakes quantitative and different results have been obtained in a way that mentioned amounts strong dependence on the stiffness of the structure, stiffness of the soil, the kind of the earthquake ,etc. For this reason, the amount of the base shear and displacement in shear wall frame structures is more different from frame structure system in a way that these variations have twofold decrease or increase in a shear wall frame structure comparison with a frame structure system. This matter and the subsequent results reveal the necessity of paying attention to SSI in analysis and design of important structures from the view point of safety factor economic issues. Keywords: Soil–structure interaction, frame structure, shear wall, stiffness منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content],%20A7,.pdf JCEU, A7,.pdf
  15. Assessment of risk caused by earthquake in region 1 of Tehran using the Combination of RADIUS, TOPSIS and AHP Models Original Article, A6 Sarvar H, Amini J, Laleh-Poor M. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 1(1): 39-48. 2011. ABSTRACT: Tehran, one of the important cities of Iran, is in great risk against earthquakes because several active faults are located into or around it. The significance of this metropolis from the economic and political point of view, high population and risks of possible earthquake has drawn the attention of urban managers to this problem. On this basis, to confront the probable risks and reduce the negative effects of this phenomenon, it is indispensible and of important objectives of Tehran urban management to investigate the seismic vulnerability of the city. With respect to this important issue, region 1 of Tehran municipality was selected as the study area because of its proximity to the active faults at north of Tehran. The study method and the analysis of the gathered data were performed using the methods based on information database, ­RADIUS, TOPSIS and AHP models, and the software based on the Geographical Information System. Variables such as the buildings location in proportion to faults, type of materials, oldness of the buildings, number of floors, population density, soil type, slope of the region, and pathway network were used for the research and the region vulnerability using 3 probable earthquake scenarios were investigated. Results indicated that region 1 of Tehran municipality is vulnerable against earthquakes. Keywords: Earthquake vulnerability, Region 1 of Tehran Municipality, RADIUS, TOPSIS, AHP. منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content],%20A6,.pdf JCEU, A6,.pdf
  16. A Wavelet-Genetic Programming Model for Predicting Short-Term and Long-Term Air Temperatures Original Article, A5 Kisi O, Shiri J and Nazemi AH. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 1(1): 26-38.2011. ABSTRACT: A new conjunction wavelet-gene expression programming (WGEP) method for predicting air temperature values is proposed in this paper. The conjunction method combines the discrete wavelet and genetic programming methods. The daily and monthly air temperature data from two weather stations of Mahabad and Urmieh in Iran were used as case studies and the accuracy of the single gene expression programming (GEP) and wavelet-gene expression programming (WGEP) models were compared with each other. First, the daily air temperatures were used as inputs to the GEP and WGEP models to forecast one-, two- and three day as well as thirty-day ahead air temperatures. Then, the monthly air temperatures were used as inputs to the GEP and WGEP models to forecast one-month ahead air temperatures. The comparison results indicated that the WGEP model significantly increased the accuracy of single GEP model especially in forecasting long-term (thirty-day and one-month ahead) air temperatures. The thirty-day and one-month ahead air temperatures of the Mahabad Station were also estimated using the data of nearby Urmieh Station. It was found that the WGEP model performed much better than the single GEP model in cross-station application. Keywords: Air temperature, discrete wavelet, genetic programming, cross application منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content],%20A5,.pdf JCEU, A5,.pdf
  17. Determinants of Satisfaction in Apartment Industry: Offering a Model Original Article, A4 Zadkarim S, Emari H. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 1(1): 15-25.2011. ABSTRACT: This study wanted to determine dimensions of customer satisfaction. For this purpose, researchers developed a model by taking an experiential view. In this article, a standard questionnaire was used for collecting the data and, the authors report a comparative study that was conducted on two samples of real customers at apartment industry (low income and high income) in Iran. The results from a low income sample revealed that the customer satisfaction is influenced more by customer cost and product quality than other constructs. Moreover, the role of customer satisfaction as a mediating factor in the intention of word of mouth is supported. In contrary, in high income sample customer satisfaction influenced more by product quality and service quality than other constructs. In addition, the role of customer satisfaction as a mediating factor in the intention of word of mouth is rejected. A notable advantage of the model developed in this study is that, it covers essentially all the quality issues an apartment customer may encounter (i.e. physical or product, service, and environment). Keywords: Apartment Industry,Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Word of Mouth منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content],%20A4,.pdf JCEU, A4,.pdf
  18. Two-Dimensional Topology Structure between Vector Layers in GIS Original Article, A3 Parvinnezhad Hokmabadi D, Alesheikh A.A, Jahanpeyma MH, Rahmanizadeh A. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 1(1): 10-14.2011. ABSTRACT: Queries in Spatial databases, such as Geographic Information Systems, are often based upon the relationships among spatial objects. Unfortunately, currently used GIS software do not support complete topological structures. As such, answering topological queries is time consuming, if not impossible. In this paper, the 9-intersection model is implemented using ActiveX and Dynamic Link Library (DLL) Technologies. The main characteristic of this package is to create complete topological relationships between 2D objects in a GIS environment. Results of the test have shown the superiority of the proposed structure versus current commercial GIS software. Keywords: Topological Relationships, 9-Intersection Model, Logical Operations, Topological Queries, Spatial Queries منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content],%20A3,Final.pdf JCEU, A3,Final.pdf
  19. Analytical Evaluation of Uncertainty Propagation in Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Tehran Using GIS Original Article, A2 Jahanpeyma MH, Delavar M.R. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 1(1): 05-09. 2011. ABSTRACT: One of the properties of geospatial information systems is their use in supporting spatial decision making under uncertainty. It is a complex process which is considered in different situations. The existence of uncertainty in geospatial data and various analyses has the potential to expose users to undesirable consequences in their decision making. Nowadays, natural disasters, particularly earthquake, are among the most important disturbances to sustainable development of countries and governments try to manage them in an optimum manner. They would typically try to decrease the amount of financial damages and loss of lives that would occur because of the events. In this research, geospatial information science/system has been implemented to estimate the seismic vulnerability and its probable damages for a particular scenario in Tehran. We applied fuzzy logic concepts to well-known analytical hierarchical process for the damage assessment. Based on this modified approach we developed a hierarchy of effective factors in earthquake vulnerability due to definition of their priorities against a given earthquake scenario.The effect of uncertainty in geospatial data and analysis functions which are applied in estimating Tehran seismic vulnerability would affect the quality of decision making for estimating the damages. In this paper, we analyzed the implemented geospatial data of population statistics, building information, maps, digital terrain models, and satellite images in the process of studying Tehran’s seismic vulnerability. In this research, we used Monte Carlo simulation approach for uncertainty modeling. We compute the statistical parameters for seismic vulnerability in various iterations of Monte Carlo process. After that we extract the relationship between the number of Monte Carlo process and relative variation of seismic vulnerability’s layer variance. For instance, in order to achieve double precision, the number of iterations must increase four times. Keywords: Uncertainty, GIS, Seismic Vulnerability, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Monte Carlo Simulation منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content],%20A2,final.pdf JCEU, A2,final.pdf
  20. Using GIS Technology in Disaster Management and Control In urban Original Article, A1 Haji Alizadeh J, Kamal Alavi SV, Rashidi A. Journal. Civil Eng. Urban. 1(1): 01-04. 2011. ABSTRACT: Disaster management is a process in which we should summon all plans, organizations, and control groups to encounter a hard moment and offer the results to managers for decision making based on the current situation. The aim of this research is to estimate the environment of disaster management from the visionPOST /forums/index.php?s=76e158cec9f4f73063985aeaba327a39 JCEU, A1,.pdf
  21. Nonlinear Interstory Drift Contours for Idealized Forward Directivity Pulses using "Modified Fish-Bone" Models A.R. Khaloo 1Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Street, Tehran, Iran , H. Khosravi 1Department of Civil Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Street, Tehran, Iran *Corresponding author. Email address: hor.khosravi@gmail.com; Fax: +98-11-32331707; Tel: +98-911-2142607. , H. Hamidi Jamnani 2Department of Civil Engineering, Babol University of Technology, Shariati Street, Babol, Iran *Corresponding author. Email address: hor.khosravi@gmail.com; Fax: +98-11-32331707; Tel: +98-911-2142607. DOI: [Hidden Content] Abstract Four 5-, 10-, 20- and 30-story moment frames, representing low-, mid-, and two high-rise structures, were subjected to a great number of idealized directivity pulses. The amplitudes and periods of pulses vary from 0.02 g to 1.0 g and 0.5 to 12 sec, respectively. Over 1400 nonlinear dynamic analyses of low- to high-rise moment frames were performed which were feasible through using modified fish-bone model. The distribution of interstory drift along the height was studied and two applied contours were proposed: (i) the maximum interstory drift contour, and (ii) the critical story contour. These contours were demonstrated versus the ratio of natural period of the structure to the pulse period and the response modification coefficient (R-factor). Hence, the contours could provide the possibility of investigating the measure of damage, its location and also the conditions leading to collapse based on these parameters. These investigations justify the vulnerability of flexible buildings versus long-period directivity pulses. They also show that some near-fault directivity pulses could impose serious damage to low-rise buildings. 1369-4332.18.5.603.rar
  22. فکر میکنم از روش تولید فایل XML ( البته به جز مقاطع SD ) استفاده نمایید. مقاطع را از فایل مورد نظر در فرمت xml اکسپورت کنید و در فایل جدید در همان قسمت ساخت مقطع دوباره با فرمت xml به نرم افزار ایمپورت کنید.
  23. محدودیتی از نظر تغییر ابعاد و آرماتورهای ستون نیست. در حالت تغییر ابعاد ستون باید توجه نمود که امکان انتقال آرماتورهای طبقه پایین به طبقه بالا با شیب یک به شش باشد. این تغییر شیب باید در مجاورت اتصال تیر به ستون انجام گیرد. باید توجه کرد که در ستونهای لبه ساختمان این تغییر سایز فقط از سمت داخل انجام میشود و سمت بیرونی ساختمان ستون به صورت تراز با لبه بیرونی طبقه پایین خواهد شد.
  24. یک فایل پی دی اف در 43 صفحه به صورت مصور تهیه شده توسط مهدی چهری زیر نظر دکتر مجتبی جعفری صمیمی در دانشگاه آزاد واحد تهران در مورد سقف دال مجوف یوبوت ( U boot ) . در این فایل به صورت مصور این سقف معرفی شده و با سقفهای دیگر مقایسه میشود و نحوه اجرای آن توضیح داده میشود. منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content] ubootwww.icivil.ir.rar
  25. یک فایل پی دی اف مربوط به سمینار دوره کارشناسی ارشد رشته مهندسی مدیریت و ساخت دانشگاه آزاد تهران مرکزی انجام شده توسط اقای مهندس مهدی چهری زیر نظر دکتر مجتبی جعفری صمیمی در پاییز 94 در زمینه روش های تخریب سازه های فولادی در 64 صفحه منبع: [Hidden Content] دانلود: [Hidden Content] takhribwww.icivil.ir.rar

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